• Building Climate Smart & Aatmanirbhar Farmers
    Action Research Developing Climate
    Resilient practices.

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  • Building Climate Smart & Aatmanirbhar Farmers
    Action Research Developing Climate
    Resilient practices.
  • Building Climate Smart & Aatmanirbhar Farmers
    Action Research Developing Climate
    Resilient practices.

Background of the study

The IPCC Report was released on 28th February, 2022. It has predicted that Temperature will increase further by 1.5°C, Sea level will rise, Heat wave will increase, Moisture level in air will increase etc. This is where climatic adaption becomes critical. While mitigation involves cutting the pace of global emissions and slowing down warming, adaptation is essential to save lives and livelihoods in the short to medium term.Adaptation also helps in building long-term resilience to impacts of climate change. If farmers will not adapting to changes in crop practices this will cause crop failure / low production. Already in Gujarat crop productivity is on decline.


India’s population is about 17 percent of the world population, but it is endowed with only 4 percent of the global freshwater resources.

Inadequate use of modern demand-supply management tools, technology, and lack of emphasis by policy makers and other stakeholders of the need to treat water as a precious natural resource with economic value and not as a free gift of nature, has exacerbated water security issues in India.

About US

  • Facilitate and carry out appropriate and target oriented action for climate change mitigation and adaptation; interlinking agriculture, sustainable development and rural development & Climate Smart Cities.
  • Foster and leverage public leadership to achieve the goals of such an integrated approach &
  • Strengthen knowledge economy.

The Council may establish State level units or associate with other interested organizations at State and district levels in furtherance of its objectives. These are based on a logical framework to ensure locally relevant action duly integrating local knowledge and leadership to sustain action.

Act as premier organization at the national level to
  • Disseminate information that will enable appropriate action &
  • Suggest policy frameworks to tackle impacts of global warming and climate change.
The Council may for instance create knowledge platforms, organize seminars and network with scholars and public leadership specialists at the regional, national and International level in cooperation with government and non-government organization.

Transformation of Gujarat Agriculture during the last 25 Years - Article by Dr. P.K. Mishra, Principal Secretary to Hon'ble Prime Minister, India.

Latest Events

Leadership and Entrepreneurship Training Programme for Students

Anand Agricultural University at College of Horticulture, Anand.-Gujarat

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At VRTI Mandvi Anand Agricultural University and Junagadh Agricultural University -Gujarat

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National Council for Climate Change Sustainable Development and Public Leadership (NCCSD) India

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